We are thrilled to have teamed up with Teryn Darling to offer you official Li-FT tattoo removal training here in Essex.
Lift is a unique formula that is tattooed into the area requiring removal. The easy-to-use solution will lift out the saturated ink.
Li-FT is the only saline lightening solution to combine the power of TWO fruit seed extracts...orange seed and lemon seed.
The other secret to this solution is the type of salts used...unique and exclusive to only Li-FT. If you are serious about results, this will be your solution. Safe for eyeliner removal.
Your course will include:
* Pre-study webinar from Teryn Darling @ Girlz Ink
* Training manual & handouts
* 1x Li-FT Kit
* Theory
* Live demonstration
* Live models
* Ongoing support
You must be fully qualified and experienced in permanent makeup to attend this course.