MNT Module 42P sensitive
Contents 10 pieces
Treatment with MNT Module 42P sensitive:
42 thin needles for noticeable effect
Gentler than other needles
For non-invasive and minimally invasive treatment
For sensitive skin, thin skin, dry skin
MNT Module 36P medium Contents 10 pieces Microneedling feature Treatment with MNT Module 36P: - 36 thin needles for intensive effect
- Visible and quick results - Suitable for minimally invasive treatment
- for normal to difficult skin conditions
MNT module 12P strong
Contents 10 pieces
Microneedling feature
Treatment with MNT Module 12P strong:
12 thin needles for deep penetration, intensive results
Minimally invasive needling, set briefly and without pressure
Invasive needling longer setting more pressure
for insensitive skin
for robust skin, elastic skin, for scars
MNT Nano Module
Contents 10 pieces
Abrasion property
Treatment with MNT Nano Module:
Peeling module non-invasive
Microabrasion brush for the skin
121 peeling grains
Removes skin cells after chemical peeling product PEEL