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Create a distinctive brand to attract your IDEAL CLIENT - Live Webinar

Create a distinctive brand to attract your IDEAL CLIENT - Live Webinar

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 Sick of putting so much time & effort into social media only to see little to no results?

If so ... you will want to watch this one!
This is for you if:
1. You are posting consistently
2. You are getting engagement
3. You vary your posts
4. You're doing "all the things"
You are still not generating bookings!
Let me share a secret here, it's not WHAT you are doing, it's HOW you are doing it.
I will be showing you how you can make a few tiny tweaks to drastically improve your results.
And nope it does not include:
 spamming people in their DM's
 Hounding leads to secure an appointment
 Following a million people in hope someone might follow you back AND be interested in what you sell!
 Im going to simply teach you:
 How to ATTRACT your IDEAL CLIENT and turn them into LOYAL CUSTOMERS that rave about you to everyone!
It's not magic ... you just need the strategy.

I'll be sharing the exact strategies I used to not only fill my own diary, but 4x other Artists who also worked for me. AND without the awkwardness of cold DM's 🙌🏻


Here’s what we will cover:

1. Get Your Branding On Point

Discover how to create a brand that speaks directly to your ideal client.


2. Craft Your Compelling Brand Story

Your story is powerful. Use it to captivate your audience, and build trust.


3. Strategies to Get Your Ideal Client Hopping into YOUR DM's

Say goodbye to cold DM's and hello to clients who reach out to you!


4. Targeting & Positioning

Ensure your marketing efforts are laser-focused.


5. Create Engaging Content & Grow Your Audience

Content is king, but only if it’s engaging. Make sure your content resonates with your audience.


Don’t Miss Out!

This webinar is a game-changer for any permanent makeup artist looking to attract their ideal clients and grow their business. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your strategies, there's something here for you.


Thursday 4th July 7pm (replay access available)


(PS ... If you are a PMU Circle Member, please do not purchase a ticket. You will automatically be sent the zoom link via email.)